If you read my last post you know that WordPress is an excellent, lean, and free content management system.  I mentioned in that post that WordPress began as a blogging software, but has evolved into a handy tool for maintaining a wide array of websites.

The “front end” of a WordPress blog is the public view.  Many WordPress blogs have front page content that changes often (if the blogger is active).  You are looking right now at the front end of my blog, CyberKenBlog.  As I make new posts they are automatically added to the top of this page.  Older posts move toward the bottom and are eventually archived automatically.  These archived posts can be retrieved by a search string.

Some users of WordPress choose not to display blog posts on the front page.  Instead, they make a static page the front page, and use the blog post page somewhere else in the navigation menu ( which is customarily displayed horizontally across the top of each page.)

Watch the video below to take a brief tour of the front end of CyberKenBlog.  There are many, many ways to design a WordPress site, so this is just one example of how you might use WordPress.  If your community of faith is interested in using WordPress, check out the Church Blogger website.


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