When you find a blog that you like a lot you might want to set up an RSS (really simple syndication) feed from that blog to your internet browser (for instance, Internet Explorer, Safari, or Firefox).  Once you have an RSS feed set up, whenever a new post is made to that blog, you will be notified when a link to the post appears in the folder for feeds that you have designated, or else, in the RSS reader that you may be using.

The CyberKen video below shows how to set up an RSS feed using the Firefox browser and the Google Reader.

If you use Internet Explorer, here’s how to set up an RSS feed:

1. Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Start button , and then clicking Internet Explorer.

2. Go to the website that has the feed you want to subscribe to.
3. Click the Feeds button  to discover feeds on the webpage.
4. Click a feed (if more than one is available). If only one feed is available, you will go directly to that page.
5. Click Subscribe to this Feed.
6. Type a name for the feed and select the folder to create the feed in.
Click Subscribe.

If you use the Safari browser, follow the instructions at the site below:


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