google chrome
Image of the Chrome logo, by toprankonlinemarketing via Flickr

Silver Bird logoWant to make your Twitter stream more accessible?  Install the free Silver Bird browser extension in your Chrome browser.

1. Open your Chrome browser.
2. At the top right hand you’ll see a little wrench.  Left click on that and select “tools”, and then “extensions”.
3. At the right hand bottom of the window click on “Get more extensions.”
4. In the “search the store” window at the top right of the window, enter the words “Silver Bird” and press “Enter” or “Return.”
5. Click the “add to Chrome” button.
6. Log in to your twitter account.
7. At the top right of your Chrome browser you should see a little blue bird.  Left click on him.
8. Click on the “Authorize app” button.

You should now see a message that says “Congratulations, you’ve been successfully authenticated.  Enjoy Silver Bird!”

As tweets come into your Twitter stream you will see the little blue bird turn red, and you will see a small number just below the red bird, indicating the number of tweets that have come in since your last Silver Bird access.  When you click on the little red bird a drop-down window shows your Twitter stream.  Within the window you will see links to make tweets, send retweets, and perform several other tasks–all this without having to visit the site.

If you haven’t tried the Chrome browser, do!  It’s available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.   I love the way it downloads files, letting you to see the download progress by a vector graph at the bottom left corner of your browser window. When it’s finished the icon of the downloaded file blinks.  You can then click and drag it to your Desktop.  IMHO this is the absolute best access to downloads–reason enough to make Chrome my default browser!

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